Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Don't forget to watch the Presidential debate tonight

Just wanted to remind everyone that the first Presidential debate is on tonight. I think it is important that the citizens look at the candidates and hear what they have to say and make an informed decision when you vote this November. This country has too many people voting Democrat just because their dad did, or Republican just because their mom did. The last election was about popularity and difference rather than about the policies, just as the one previous was about the war and saying what the people wanted to hear. 

We have spent too many years following what others tell us we should believe instead of learning for ourselves. Don't listen to national media, they all are corrupt. There are both liberal and conservative news outlets and depending on which side the person talking to you is on, you will hear how one is biased or the other. Let me tell you, they are both biased. Also don't vote depending on what is popular, because popular does
n't mean right. Also commercials are useless. They are one side inflating the truth or sometimes just making up negative comments that have no basis in truth at all.

So please try to find out the parties stance on what is important to the country. Quit letting social stances determine your vote. None of the major issues are going to change based on who is president (ie. abortion, gay marriage, etc.) These social stances are important but are better known as the old smoke and mirrors tricks. What will be, will be no matter who is in office when it comes to social stances. That is a harsh truth, but nonetheless it is the truth. Also do not listen to either party... they are both liars and will both tell you what you want to hear.

Instead, research the candidate, see where they stand on issues that they can actually have some effect on. Their foreign policy could change our gas prices. Will they outsource even more jobs? Will they take care of the citizens first? These are just a few of the questions that should enter your mind when you go to vote.

In my opinion, we are in an election in which neither are a good option. We are basically trying to choose the lesser of two evils. With that being said, it is my hope that people will start to take notice and that we will no longer be trying to decide which candidate is going to do the least damage to our already hurting country and instead we can pick the candidate that will lead us in the right direction. As I have said this election is simply trying to pick who will hurt us the least but if we stay diligent and keep learning then hopefully soon, we can go back to electing real leaders instead of merely puppets.