Saturday, May 14, 2016

Review: Pro For Sho 34dB Noise Cancelling Shooting Ear Muffs - Special Designed Lighter Weight & Maximum Hearing Protection , Black


I love these ear muffs!!

We do a lot of hunting and target practice and I wanted a high quality and comfortable pair of ear muffs. Let me tell you, these are awesome!!! You can still hear someone talking to you but it muffles the sound amazingly! Especially loud noises. Various ammunition was used and the result was perfect for all of them!

Another great use for them is when doing yard work. They muffle out the loud noise of the lawn mower wonderfully. I can place ear buds under them and keep the volume way down while mowing which is wonderful! I can hear the music but don't have to blast it to do so.

These are also very comfortable! I was able to wear them for two hours straight while mowing with no discomfort at all! They also fit all sizes. I included a photo of my 16 month old daughter wearing them to show as a reference that they will fit children as well as adults. I really love these ear muffs and highly recommend them to all hunters, anyone doing yard work, or even someone who just wants some peace and quite. There really are awesome and you will not be disappointed! They are also extremely lightweight which helps to keep them comfortable when worn for a long time. I worked in a location that required me to wear noise cancelling ear muffs and I could only wish that I would have had these. They are so much more comfortable than any others that I have ever worn.

You can purchase them here:

I received these ear muffs at a discounted price in exchange for an honest review.

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