Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Review: Live Catch Mouse Trap Humane No Touch Rodents Ground Squirrel Chipmunk Mice 2pk


This is the the trap we have been looking for! We weren't looking for a trap for your normal rodent. You see we have a cute little Robo Dwarf hamster named R2D2, we also have a three year old and a seven year old sons. Needless to say they sometimes open the door to the cage. Or my wife and I haven't gotten one of the portals closed all of the way and R2D2 becomes a fugitive.

What follows next is a mad dash as we close off any doors and begin moving furniture, toy boxes book shelves, the works. Once we finally locate him we have to try to corner him. Let me tell you, he is super fast and we look like clowns trying to catch him.

We knew there had to be a better way! That's when Grandpa Gus's Live Critter Catcher came in to save the day!

There are other live traps but many are spring loaded and can hurt the animal if its not completely inside the cage when it closes, this wasn't acceptable at all. It could hurt R2D2 or even one of our children if curiosity got the best of them and they sprung it.

The way this trap works is that there are two doors on each side. Once the critter pushes his way in one of the doors gravity closes it and he is stuck. To get him out all you have to do is turn it upside down and the doors open. This is perfect for our situation. We now have a few options. R2D2 always runs by the walls, so we can set the traps on both sides of piece of furniture he is hiding behind and he will naturally run into it just like he hides under his stairs in his own cage or we can close the door so he can't get out of the room, put one of his treats inside each of the traps and go back and get him in the morning.

This trap has really worked wonders both times we have used it already, as you can see in the photo. It might be time to look into getting him a different cage. I know these would also work well for squirrels or field mice. Just remember if you release a mouse to take it about 5 miles from your house or he might find his way back home.

I think these traps would be a great addition to a survival bag or a bug out bag. They are light weight and you could utilize the space inside of them to protect fragile or crush-able items. They are easy to set, just put them in the tracks and you are good to go.

I recommend these to anyone with a rodent problem, well probably not rats, rats are probably too big and besides that could probably chew their way out, but other than rats I recommend them for all rodents I have seen around here. They are also great for capturing a lost pet, as is our case. They are safe to have around children as well as other animals.

I received the traps at a discounted or free price in exchange for an honest review.

You can purchase one here:

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