Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Review Midori Spring Matcha Organic Cere

Full bodied flavor! Amazing quality!!

When it comes to Matcha, the technique is a part of the experience. Below is the preparation method taken from Midori Spring's website:

Traditional Method

What you need: Matcha Bowl (Chawan), Matcha Whisk (Chasen), Bamboo Scoop (Chashaku), Small Sifter

1. Warm up matcha bowl and bamboo whisk. Place whisk in bowl and fill ¹/3 of bowl with hot water. Let it sit for 1 minute, discard water. Dry bowl with clean cloth or paper towel.

2. With the bamboo scoop place 2 scoops of Midori Spring Matcha through a small sifter into bowl to avoid clumping.

3. Pour 60mL/2oz of hot water (72-76°c, 162-169°f) into bowl and whisk briskly in a “W” motion until fine foam appears. The whisk should not scratch the bottom of the bowl.

4. Sip and Enjoy!

Quick Method

What you need: Bowl or mug, Small Wire Whisk or Milk Frother, Teaspoon

1. Place 1/2 – 3/4 teaspoon of Midori Spring Matcha in mug, avoid clumps.

2. Pour 60mL/2oz of hot water (72-76°c, 162-169°f) into mug and whisk briskly in a “W” motion until fine foam appears. Can use a small wire whisk or milk frother.

3. Sip and Enjoy!

I prefer the traditional method. I know the experience is part of the enjoyment. I do the same thing when shaving. I use a safety razor and create a nice foam in my shaving bowl. It take more time but it is increases the awareness of your surroundings. By being patient and taking your time you get to take a break from stress and your surroundings.

As for the Midori Spring Organic Ceremonial Matcha, it is beyond top notch! The full bodied flavor makes it apparent that it is stone ground. It does not have the burnt smell or flavor that lesser brands are guilty of. It is perfect! I use my Keurig to get the hot water. It is filtered twice and doesn't take away from the majesty of this tea. The water temp is 192 F when it comes out and drops to the perfect temperature in about three minutes.

Some people wonder about the servings, there are about 24 servings to a container when you use 1/2 teaspoon to 2 ounces as is recommended. This makes it just over a dollar per serving, an amazing deal when compared to purchased prepared Matcha. If anyone is on the fence but is a Matcha lover, do not hesitate, order now! This is the best Matcha I have had the pleasure of drinking! The full bodied flavor combined with the bright green color make for a truly invigorating experience!

I received this product at a discounted price for an honest review.

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