Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Review "Sound Intone I68 Foldable Headphones with Microphone for Iphone and Android Devices (Black/orange)"

Where to start with these headphones? I did not know the brand so I didn't know what to expect but as soon as I received the box, I knew I had something special. At this price point, I expected a blister pack, nothing wrong with a blister pack just not seen on high end electronics, so imagine my surprise when I see them packaged in a form fitting box. Inside the box you find the headphones and a warranty card. After removing the headphones the excitement continued. These have a look and a feel very similar to another very expensive headphone that starts with a "B". The fit and feel is also very similar.
Until I received these headphones my go to pair were Sony MDR V55. Those cost around $90 when I bought them and sound wise there is little to no difference between them and these when using with streamed audio, MP3's etc. There may be some difference that an audiophile with a $5,000 audio system can detect but for the average user there is little to no difference except that these headphones the Intone I68 actually have more bass and a clearer punch. Midtones and High range are very similar.
The braided cable is another nice addition. Feels like a much more expensive set of cans. There isn't a lot of audio bleed either. If these are set around 75% volume which is very loud with these headphones, they will not disturb someone 3 feet away, which was another wonderful feature! At full blast you can hear them if someone else is wearing them but with an advertised 103dB that is to be expected. Did I mention they can get very loud? The 40mm Driver will punch the base, you can actually feel it as well as hearing it.
Overall, I strongly recommend these headphones, They are better than a lot of headphones that I have used at 5 times the price. I would expect them to cost $75 plus, at under $20, buying them is a no brainer. They are an amazing deal!

I received the headphones at a discounted price in return for an honest review.

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