Thursday, December 17, 2015

Review: Angel Baby Toddler Pillow Gel Mat - Cooling Pillow Mat Reduces Child Fever - Eases Night Sweats, Headaches & Sunburn Pain - No Water or Leaking -Includes Storage Cover (12 x 16 inches)

It is that season of the year, not just the Holidays, but cold and flue season. With that come fevers, Anyone with children knows what it is like when your little one gets sick, you begin to worry, especially if they have a fever.
In steps the Angel Baby Toddler Pillow Gel Mat. I love this thing! I can put it into the refrigerator for an hour or so before I am going to lay my little one down and then put it under her pillow case to help bring her fever down. In the photos I left it on top of the pillow case for a better view for the review, but in reality I put it inside her pillow case when I usually use it.
It really helps her to drop her fever and sleep better. I plan to use this in the summer too. Its not just for sickness, it will help them to stay cool even when the temperature is not. Anyone with a young one knows how hard it is to get them to stay sleeping if they are hot and uncomfortable.

Before I would try it on my little ones I tried it out on myself. We have had a strange heat wave for December and the outside temperatures have been in the upper 70's very strange for this time of year. Well needless to say my body was already used to the cold weather so when this warm up came, I was burning up. I put the mat in the refrigerator while watching tv and then placed it in my pillow case on top of my pillow. I immediately cooled down and actually found myself reaching for a second blanket. It worked wonderful.

Though not listed as a use, I know this will be perfect for a sunburn, or any swelling of any kind, as it stays dry and is large enough to cover a large area.
I highly recommend this for anyone, especially if you have children.

I received the gel mat at a discount price in exchange for an honest review.

If you are interested in purchasing one, you can find it here:

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